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  • 500g / 1lb 2oz lean minced steak
  • 100g/4oz Beetroot & Horseradish Chutney Buy
  • 1 red onion chopped
  • Fresh parsley
  • Salt & pepper
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Fresh chilli, chopped - optional


  1. Put the meat in a large bowl with the chopped onions, Beetroot & Horseradish Chutney, breadcumbs (to bind), 1 tsp of salt and good grinding of fresh black pepper.
  2. Using wet hands combine all the ingredients well and divide into 4 large burgers.
  3. Leave to set in fridge for an hour.
  4. Cook the burgers on the BBQ for 2-3 minutes on each side, depending on how you like them done.
  5. Serve with more chutney, your choice of bread bun and a salad of green leaves and finely shredded fresh beetroot.
Method Ingredients

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